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Browse Botnet C&Cs

Here you can browse the list of botnet Command&Control servers (C&Cs) tracked by Feodo Tracker, associated with Dridex, TrickBot, QakBot (aka QuakBot/Qbot), BazarLoader (aka BazarBackdoor) and Emotet (aka Heodo). When Feodo Tracker was launched in 2010, it was meant to track Feodo botnet C&Cs. However, Feodo evolved further and different piece of malware of Feodo appeared:

Filter for: Emotet (aka Heodo) TrickBot Dridex QakBot BazarLoader BumbleBee Pikabot

Firstseen (UTC)HostMalwareStatusNetwork (ASN)Country
2021-11-16 12:57:47163.172.50.82
AS12876 Online SAS- FR