Malware Botnet C&C

You are currently viewing the database entry for the malware botnet command&control server (C&C) hosted at . You can get additional information about this C&C here, such as first seen, last seen and associated malware samples.

Database Entry

IP address:
AS number:AS16276
AS name:OVH
Country:- CA
First seen:2023-12-18 18:29:21 UTC
Last online:2024-01-23 07:xx:xx UTC

Botnet C&Cs

The table below shows all botnet C&Cs know to Feodo Tracker that are hosted on this host.

First seen (UTC)IP addressPortMalwareStatusAbuse complaint sent?Last online (UTC)
2023-12-18 18:29:2151.161.81.19013721
Yes (2023-12-18 18:40:05 UTC)2024-01-23 07:xx:xx

Referencing Malware Samples

The following table shows the most recent malware samples associated with malware botnet C&Cs hosted on Please consider that the output is limited to the 500 most recent malware samples.

Time stamp (UTC)MD5 hashFile TypeVirustotalMalware
2023-12-24 17:11:235894f19e9f38ecdbb34b20b66b174a90DLL dllVirustotal results 66.67%
2023-12-21 18:42:109333f6bdb388053371a376c67602f0acDLL dllVirustotal results 52.11%